Spring Mount

Spring Mount Bridge

My cousin Bonnie and I came flying down a hill,
 on her bike, onto this bridge in the 60's,
 Bonnie driving, me on the handle bars and crashed right in the middle.
Our summer's growing up in Spring MT were the best!

And I couldn't count how many times we went swimming in the Perkiomen


  1. My life is still black and white. one of these days I may go colour when I find out how to turn it on.

  2. Wow - What a shock. I believe my father is related to the pictured Powells and Bardsleys. I know he grew-up in Spring Mount.

  3. Happy New Year Jackie! I really do remember quite a few people in the pictures - your grandfather and my husband's mother were brother & sister... Martha Griffith. Ring a bell? Spring Mount was a very interesting place. Check it out now - what a change. Dot & John Griffith

  4. Pretty. haha' please see my blog. http://alemdastelinhaas.blogspot.com.br/
